Tuesday 4th March Conclave of Ascension 499 Enthronement
Tuesday 11th March St. Ercus Conclave 349
Thursday 27th March Conclave of Resurrection 432
Friday 28th March Royal Citadel Conclave 327
Tuesday 8th April Conclave of Light 498
Sunday 13th April Divisional Lunch - T.B.A.
Wednesday 16th April St Brannock 342 Enthronement
Wednesday 21st May Holy Trinity 311
Monday 2nd June Mount Lebanon 270 Enthronement
Tuesday 3rd June St John the Evangelist 238 Enthronement
Friday 6th June Joseph of Arimathea Conclave 253
Tuesday 17th June St. Ercus Conclave 349
Tuesday 18th June Conclave of Ascension 499
Friday 27th June Royal Citadel Conclave 327
Tuesday 1st July
Supreme Grand Conclave
Tuesday 8th July Conclave of Light 498 Enthronement
Monday 1st Sept. Mount Lebanon Conclave 270
Wednesday 3rd September St Brannock Conclave 342
Friday 5th Sept. Joseph of Arimathea Conclave Enthronement
Wednesday 10th Sept Holy Trinity Conclave Enthronement
Friday 19th Sept. Conclave of Resurrection 432 Enthronement
Tuesday 7th October Conclave of Ascension 499
Tuesday 14th October Ercus Conclave 349 Enthronement
Monday 27th October Citadel Conclave 327 Enthronement
Tuesday 4th November St John the Evangelist Conclave 238
Tuesday 11th November Conclave of Light 498
Saturday 6th December Divisional Grand Conclave